I totally missed Scout Niblett last night. I drove over to Rex's apartment and we went to the show together, but as soon as we were parked in the ramp, we realized that the tickets were still at his place. By the time we got back downtown, Scout was at the end of the last song of her set. But hey, at least I ran into Sarah Buckley so she could tell me how great the set was. Delicious, even. You know, the set I missed.
I wasn't all that jazzed about The Kills, since the last time I saw them Alison Mosshart (VV) was so strung out she could hardly stand or sing. She was stone sober last night, though, and they were pretty good. My crush on Jamie Hince (Hotel) seems to be back in full effect. Not just because of his dorky robotic stage moves, but also because he totally touched me as he walked through the crowd during the Bloc Party set. I left early because I'm old and can't metabolize alcohol worth a damn anymore, but I liked what I heard from them last night, too.
One of the club bouncers was handing out free cigarettes last night ("Smoke 'em while you still can!") to mark the beginning of the Minneapolis Smoking Ban, which went into effect at midnight. Basically, there's no more smoking in any bars, restaurants, or pool halls. Ramsey County has also implemented new smoking regulations, but it's only a partial ban. There are a few different rules, but most importantly, establishments can apply for an exemption if more than 50% of their net sales are from beer/wine/liquor. City Pages published a PDF of the bars that currently allow smoking, in no particular order. I wonder how many people picked today to quit. I'm betting quite a few.
It's been too long since I've relaxed and watched a movie. The two Children of Dune DVDs are sitting next to me, still tucked away in their unopened Netflix envelopes. And I haven't even cracked this April issue of Vogue. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Thursday night to me.