Happy May Day, everyone. If there is not a little woven basket filled with tiny wilting flowers waiting for me on my doorstep, I'm going to be pissed.
As you may or may not know, I go out every Sunday night and swill cheap beer with good friends. Having given Sunday night a little more enthusiastic effort than usual last night, I am here only in body. My brain, that bitch, is still curled up in bed, sleeping it off.
Since I'll only be here three days this week (the hot, sandy beaches of Cancun are calling), and I'm not exactly in full speed ahead mode at the moment, I'm going to give you a rundown of what you should be doing this coming weekend:
- Who's at First Ave on Thursday? Oh, who could it be? Hmm... only ICE F*CKING CUBE.
- If you're not looking to shell out $35.00 for that, head over to Solera for round one of Sol Sessions, an acoustic thing happening every Thursday this summer. The Hopefuls kick it off.
- My kickball team, The Toxic Shockers, will be playing the first game of the season at 9:30pm on the Northeast Athletic Fields. After a solid month of weekly practice as well as a pre-season match against The Muskies, I think we're ready.
- Body Worlds opens at the Science Museum. 200 actual human specimens preserved and on display. We got discount passes to this at Geek Prom, so I am totally going.
- Who What is Mpls? is going on from 6:00-10:00pm at the 2400 block of Hennepin. It's a block party and art contest sponsored by The Art Major, Via's Vintage, Kowalski's, and several other businesses in the area. This should be a lot of fun. Not just because of the free food, but because the contest was open to everyone and submissions can be just about anything representing what Minneapolis means to you.
- We covered this. Sundays are for swilling cheap beer with friends.
Working all those years at Stasiu's Bar the times I miss the most were my sundays there with Alexis, Bexley and my best friend Rick (The Bitch!) Shuma!
Posted by: Jerry | May 01, 2006 at 11:02 PM
Who else here is going to Cancun? Because I then I don't like you either.
Posted by: taylor | May 02, 2006 at 09:39 AM
Isn't it a little late for SPRING BREAK 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Jason | May 02, 2006 at 03:44 PM
Jerry: Aw, so sweet. I miss our Sundays, too. You should've come out the other night; it wasn't as ridiculous as last Sunday, but it was still lots of fun. That sucka Tommy even showed up.
Taylor: Don't be a hatah.
DeRusha: I'm 28, not 18! This is the perfect time to go.
Posted by: Alexis | May 02, 2006 at 11:16 PM