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Working all those years at Stasiu's Bar the times I miss the most were my sundays there with Alexis, Bexley and my best friend Rick (The Bitch!) Shuma!


Who else here is going to Cancun? Because I then I don't like you either.


Isn't it a little late for SPRING BREAK 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jerry: Aw, so sweet. I miss our Sundays, too. You should've come out the other night; it wasn't as ridiculous as last Sunday, but it was still lots of fun. That sucka Tommy even showed up.

Taylor: Don't be a hatah.

DeRusha: I'm 28, not 18! This is the perfect time to go.

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