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A) No, I do not knit.

2) If the link for Max's play review doesn't work, try this one.


Tontinos in Mounbds view? That's not rihgt.


Put the bottle down and go to bed, Bexley.


That's a good roundup. Got You Are Where You Eat in my RSS reader, had no idea about the pear contest and you know what, I never thought about it, but Max Sparber is a sex symbol, isn't he.


if you saw him in the elvis contest, you already know that max is a sex symbol.

what's the fate of the Totino's space on Central AVE in NE?

to me it sounds as if vegan cupcakes with marzipan in the shape of yarn might actually taste like yarn.


Hey now! I am a civilized lush, and enjoy my alcohol in an appropriately shaped glass. You know who drinks straight from the bottle? Commies.


Thanks for pimpin my new blog!

I just spoke with Aaron Johnson last night about some of the sustainable practices at Town Talk, and I'll be serving that review up soon!


you need to visit the new boutique-y clothes/salon place next to spyhouse coffee on nicolett, pronto.

i study @ spyhouse every day, so i walk by that place and think -- i wonder if it's any good? please investigate, girl friday.


Zeb Carlson:




Weird, I know that guy but not well enough to have made the association by name. It's pretty obvious now, isn't it Alexis? He is jealous because you are both attractive AND thin.


Hi everybody,
So, let's chat! What's going on?

[url=http://suggestionsforhillary.com]Hillary Clinton[/url]

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