I'm so incredibly proud of my team for the 48 Hour Film Project! We were nominated for four awards:
Best Use of Required Line of Dialogue
Best Special Effects
Best Musical Score
Best Acting in a Female Role
And we took home the award for Best Special Effects!
I guess the judges appreciated how much work it was to convert a film to black and white and then go back and colorize the oranges, goldfish and scarf throughout.
We were the smallest group to make it to the finals, with just five people on our team. We were also the only team that didn't rely heavily on comedy to make our film entertaining (as you may recall, it's actually not funny at all.)
After seeing the other 11 finalists, I have to say that we really did a great f**king job with the genre that we had. Monster points for creativity and being able to tell a story in 7 minutes with absolutely no speaking or sound effects; just music selection, body language, and a little help from Post-Its. Go Team Red Card!
The full list of award winners can be found here.
In honor of Pride Week, I'd like to point out that, out of the 5 members of my team, 2 are gay, 2 went gay for the film and 1 went straight for the film.
Posted by: Alexis | June 27, 2008 at 10:35 AM
Props to Team Red Card & the Goldfish
Posted by: Rand | June 27, 2008 at 02:03 PM
Hey, Dr. Sphincter won best actor!
Posted by: Bexley | June 29, 2008 at 09:16 PM