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Rich G.

And if it's anything like the W in other cities, the service is spectacular.


Funny...Rich and I must have stayed @ different W s. I'm inclined to say that the only thing that wasn't spectacular was the service.


I wondered up with that. I was walking through the Skyway on my way back from the best espresso in downtown Minneapolis, when this old woman in a ruffled shirt and black tie shoved a tray of baked appetizers at my chest. I was listening to my iPod so I didn't hear her promotional speech or explanation as to what was in the food, but I smiled and nodded and declined (I have to watch my numbers). But I'd been blowing by that construction for a couple weeks and am pleased to see it has reached fruition.


well i use concierge service for making arrangements for me ,

Steven Lodrhowe

Well, a decent preview. Although, it would be nice if there were some photos to get people excited about this. Nonetheless, "W" has a good reputation, so I figure people can't expect anything less from them.

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