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Thank you so much for posting on the cause for the furry paws! There's nothing we love more than watching these guys head towards a happy home. Anyone with questions on this cutie or any other critters we might have can feel free to email me at halloran at gmail.com

Thanks again for the help!


Amen, sister.

Rich G.

I actually found my dog Bo at the Minneapolis pound. He's a gigantic white lump of happy doggy who loves people and just needs a full bowl of food and belly scratches to be happy. Better than any fancy purebred dog with a dumb-assed name and papers any day of the week.


Lumpy is so cute--I know she will find a good home. I have a huge heart for the kitties but only one can rule the roost at my house. Believe me, I have tried...3 times. Next time I know to adopt 2 at once!


Oh, Bo! He really is a big, sweet, super happy dog.

I fully support donating money and resources to every kind of animal shelter out there--I personally give to the ASPCA, local Humane Society, Wildcat Sanctuary and Animal Ark--because there are animals everywhere that need to be rescued and given that second chance at decent a life. Municipal animal shelters are absolutely necessary because most people pick up the phone and dial 911 (or 311) when they see an animal being abused or if there's a stray running around. So please don't forget to check the city shelters when you're looking to adopt a new companion, or when one of yours goes missing.


Lumpy lives at my house now. Lumpy has stinky kitten farts and is settling in fine.


Hey HammyDavisJr,
Thank you and congratulations on adopting Lumpy. Will she be keeping the name?



I believe Lumpy is rockin' a new name.


I just talked to Mrs. HammyDavisJr and one of the names they are considering is "Cain" to go along with their other cat, "Mabel."

Cain and Mabel!

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