I came home last night to a pair of belly-up goldfish. Coco and Steve mysteriously died, sometime between when I left the house at 2:00pm and when I arrived home at 8:00pm. They were lively as ever during yesterday's first feeding time (11:30am), so the cause of death remains unknown. For the time being, it's been ruled as SGDS, or Sudden Goldfish Death Syndrome.
It's true, I cried a little. I never got sad when I worked at Petsmart 12 years ago and it was my job to scoop the dead fish from the tanks every morning, but those weren't my fish. Coco and Steve and I had a connection. Rest in peace, boys. Flushed but not forgotten.
Coco and Steve in their award-winning cinematic debut (with a fallen brother who died the day of the shoot):
Coco and Steve just two weeks ago, shortly before a tank redecoration that included serious plant pruning and removal of the blue plastic coral:
Aw, Alexis... I'm sorry about Coco and Steve. :-( At least they died together. I had a guppie named Gabrielle (Gabi for short) from when I was 11 to 13. I cried too.
Posted by: Danielle | February 01, 2009 at 08:50 PM
sorry to hear about Coco & Steve. My son lost his 1st goldfish (John...Paul & Ringo are still hanging on) yesterday after I cleaned the tank. He didn't cry at the moment, but I think he's carrying it with him.
Posted by: geoff | February 02, 2009 at 03:30 PM
"Flushed but not forgotten", well said. Sounds like a decent t-shirt idea with an illustration of a goldfish on the front. A lot of people can relate.
Posted by: Bl@ck Coffee | February 05, 2009 at 12:09 PM