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I've heard that a deficiency in zinc is what causes loss of hair color. I heard that a long time ago, however, so maybe current thinking is different on that. Maybe WebMD has something.


I've had grey hair since I was 22 (in streaks). Things could be worse! Saturday is my birthday - do you know of any good free deals around town for birthdays?


Christian -- I believe my sister spoke of a Chinese remedy. I'll keep you posted.

caitlin -- Check out these two guides on vita.mn on getting free birthday chow/drinks. The second is all restaurant-related (and linked to in the first) so beware of establishments that have closed since.

Tara (twoleggedtara)

Dye, dye and more dye!

Jim H

Zinc can be dangerous! Be careful of ingesting "remedies." Dye, though, is a pretty safe move.


I am 32 and I have the same problem. One gray hair, surrounded by black ones. If your hair is dark enough and it's just ONE hair, just use a sharpie. Dark hair dye on me, even if done professionally, tends to wreck my light colored clothes for weeks afterward.


Ha! I recently tried dying my own roots and missed a ridiculous spot in front so I've been Sharpie-ing it once a week.

Know what's weird, though? I can't find the gray hair now. I think it's hiding in fear.


My grandmother's hair turned white almost overnight on her 31st birthday.
Old is a state of mind. She lived to be 96 and outlived so many of her friends in their 60's.
Think of it this way: You have to get old, but you don't have to grow up.
Enjoy it...women get stronger with age.


The only way to have it never happen again is to cut it all off. You don't see like the type, though I think it would be awesome.

Martini Recipes

Color, baby. Lots of color!

Louis Vuitton Sale

He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.

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