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Working on the business cards. I will have a few more designs for you by the end of the day.


That was an intriguing damn video, and I'd like to hear more of this guy. I know nothing of reggaetón except a vague memory of Mpls.' growing pains at its eruption.


OK, other Tego songs that I love that I think you will enjoy:

"Llora, Llora"
"Bureo, Bureo"
"Tradicional del lo Bravo"
"Slo Mo'"
"Salte de Medio"


I would definitely see this guy if he came to town - loved the video.

Nite Nurse

I am sure Maya Santamaria Lopez would love to work with you on this-she has been a musician/promoter here for years-owns El Rodeo on Lake and might soon own a spot in the warehouse district.

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