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A black dress (or ensemble) is the ultimate fashion shortcut. Krissandra (the singer in my band, Fuzzy Machete) wears a black outfit almost every day, but people usually don't notice because she accessorizes so well.


So glad you did a post and a link to the Uniform Project. The creativity alone is worth celebrating, but the charity is what makes it totally awesome.

Now what the heck is "eyebrow threading"? Googling.... Oh, hmm.

Happy birthday!


The older we all get the more we learn of new places to grow hair. As a man I think I pay way to much attention to my eyebrows, my ears, and my nose. A good tweezers is a great Christmas gift.

Girl Dresses

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Bearded Lady

Do you know any reputable places to get electrolysis or laser hair removal in the cities? I am sick of tweezing and waxing and when I get old and senile, I don't wanna worry about how long my 'stache is.


Eyebrow threading is probably the best method to remove the hair on your eyebrows. It is less painful and lasts longer too. You can also thread other parts of your body as well.

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