« Weekend Hodge Podge: Local Gifts, Fancy Jewelry and Cheap Drinks | Main | You are All Getting This for Christmas »



You've got a little typo in the snowball url.

It did make me smile on this cold morning though.


Wow, this party's gonna be even more exciting than I thought! ;)


I'll fix the typo later. People are having way too much fun with it to change it just yet.

At Vita.mn, we only go all the way!


A funk that finishes with a snowball. What a naughty Christmas party.

Crystal (Cafe Cyan)

You have your own t-shirt? Sweetness!


This photo of you is hott.


I was kind of disappointed that you didn't really skate. False advertising! Where can we look at the photos taken in front of the xmas tree?


Hey, I totally went around the rink once. And did not fall, I might add. my only duties for the night were to make announcements, pick the best dressers and hand out cards. I did all of those things!

Photos: http://www.vita.mn/user_images.php?d=view_event&event_id=85254

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