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I LOVE Gandhi Mahal and wholeheartedly agree that it's the best vegetarian Indian in town. The Rogan Josh is my favorite. I love spicy food and always go for the Bollywood jana (extra hot). They don't mess around with spice. It's HOT...and delicious. Have you had the avocado chutney on the seasonal menu? It blows my mind!

Also, thanks for the mascara tip. I've been using the MAC zoom lash, and while I like it, it's impossible to take off. I will be trying the Opulash post haste!


I agree on the UD eyeliner, but you have to try the Stila smudge sticks, they are uh-may-zing! Mascara for me is a constant struggle - the L'Oreal Voluminous Mascara in Carbon rivals any expensive brand. Trust.


Alright Mariam, I will try a little product comparison!

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