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I just went through this with my sweet cat, Mabel, on New Year's Eve. I'm really so sorry. You're doing the right thing and the passing is so quick and painless-seeming that it kind of makes me wish we had that option when it gets to that point. My thoughts are with you. xox


Thanks, Judy. I was sad to hear about Mabel. So amazing, they are.

Jillian Adamson

Most of the time you make me cry from laughter. Tonight, you've made me cry a bit in sadness. I'm so sorry, Lex.

I have never known you as an adult without Felicia. At least, not since we realized we were neighbors back on Pierce & Lowry. I am going to be a complete mess when Kishka... I don't even want to think about that.

If you want someone with her whilst you are working, I'll be there in a heartbeat if you need me. Obviously, I'll be there in a heartbeat for you as well, but you know what I mean.


So sorry! It's unbearable, I know. We went through it last year. My heart goes out to you.


So sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you.


This is a beautiful tribute. I'm thinking of you. Your love for animals has always made me feel so warmly toward you, and Felicia is so damn lucky to be the cat that got to be spoiled by you. Take care of yourself, and just remember through the pain - how fucking worth it out pets are.


I was investigating starting a concierge in my area and came across your blog. Your story is so like mine, although Chama, sister of lost Chaco, is not near her final days. She's 4 I believe. I got both Chama (calico) and Chaco (all black) as barn kittens. I so wanted a black cat and Chama was supposed to be raised to go to another as a barn cat. But, as fate would have it, Chaco was lost most likely to a predator and Chama remains with me. All of what you describe about Felicia sounds so familiar - batting a mouse, good about not scratching the furniture, etc. So, as you send Felicia on to play with Chaco, I send my regards and perhaps I'll contact you about the other stuff.

Christopher Hauseman


I happened upon your blog when looking for info on the old Blacky's Bakery. I empathize with you and your loss of Felicia. During the past four years we have lost 5 family members: My Father in-law; 3 Felines ( Reckless, Sagunthka, MiMi) and a rambunctious Beagle -Chuck aka Mr. Charlie. Chuck was diagnosed in early December 2010 with lymphoma which over took him within two months. The night before we had arranged his visit to the vet, he began running a high fever, labored breathing: he showed almost no movement. I brought him into bed, held him; stroking his head; putting cold towels on his feet and head. I dreaded the coming of morning, knowing that my dear friend of 13 yrs. would take that final car ride he loved so well. I woke up at ten minutes to eight am with Chuck starting to yawn and stretch in my arms. At that moment he had a heart attack and died in my arms. Throughout the night I kept telling him it was ok to die here with the ones he loved. It was a hard morning but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way looking back at it now.

Your story is a wonderful tribute to a beautiful soul that was able to share part of your life with. I know Felicia is in a better place and feeling fine now.

Take care and know another little one will find you when you least expect it...... we acquired a rescue Beagle by the name of Bacon or should we say he acquired us.

Get Ex Boyfriend Back Guru

This a very beautiful tribute. You can always adopt a little furball again to help you go through it.


I'm a bit late, but I'm sorry to hear this. Hope you're alright.

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